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Messages for Healing

In the late 1980s I studied channeling with Roslyn Bruyere at The Healing Light Center in Glendale California and began serving as a channel for healing energies and spoken messages. While channeling was not my profession, I was very active working with Kuan Yin in workshops, readings, and facilitating groups over the next 10 years.
As work demands increased, the formal time I spent with Kuan Yin and my other teachers and guides lessened until 2020 when a new teacher (a group as it later turned out), Ansari, arrived to tell me that the time had come to take another step forward as a channel. The Ansari told me that their purpose is to guide and support those who are moving to another level in their spiritual development. (The image I had of this was being told I needed to step off a cliff and trust I would fly.)
​The teacher who then stepped forward was Makel. I first encountered Makel decades ago as a guide supporting distant healing. Initially I thought Makel was only present again to assist me with my own healing. However, as we began to have more contact he informed me that his larger purpose was to communicate messages about healing the planet.
​In December 2020 I sat down to channel and a very different energy arrived. They announced themselves to be a group of extraterrestrials from several different systems. I initially thought of them as The Others and later learned to refer to them as
The Peacekeepers. The Arcturian who communicated with me explained that the group is present to support of the ascension of the Earth and humankind to a higher dimension.
I retired from a very successful career in education and the arts in 2020. Throughout my work life as an executive, mediator, organizational consultant and leadership coach I have always had the support of my Spirit guides and found ways to bring heart and Spirit forward. Now I have the pleasure of being able to open more fully in alignment with this aspect of my soul’s purposes.